Roads, car DVD players, and dreams Inspired by Margaret Morse's An Ontology of Everyday Distraction: The Freeway, the Mall, and Television.
Some of my fondest childhood memories were on dark winter nights driving home, sitting in the backseat of the car, watching the world whoosh by. The arching trees danced in the wind, the clouds swam forward, and the stars were so clear. Growing up in the 2000s, my childhood and my memories of it are interwoven with tv.
The core of who I am, how I understand the world, how I experience time and memory, were and still are formed by the tv. The trees whoosh by, the day passes and fades into night -- I could watch a show at home and continue in the car without trouble. Time and place became blurred. There was the screen and a world before me that I could melt into. A place between dreams and the screen.